Let’s not forget the rage we feel because so much is going on with the Trump administration. With each day and so many distractions my anger begins to lesson. Then I remember.
Moscow Mitch, Adolf Trump and the sycophant Republicans Senators are serial killers who don’t care how many Americans die for Trumps reelection. Under Trump rule people are pushed off the roof, to live or die. That is what Trump did when he passed an order to open the Tyson plant and insist the employees go back to work after they even discovered people were infected. CDC guidelines were watered down so that no one checked to make sure the plant was as safe as possible. No compulsory testing!! . Just throw them off a roof!!! Serial killers!! Trump called everyone Warriors and in war people die. I would hope that our generals would prepare our military with the best protective equipment so they wouldn’t die.
But under the Trump administration it is better to throw people off the roof than anger Adolph. He fired the captain of the Lincoln ship because he announced that there were soldiers who had the virus. The captain was fired for protecting his men.
Serial Killers! Lockem up! Lockem Up !
Moscow Mitch and the Republican Senators will not vote on a bill to protect the American people. Mitch won’t bring up the bill for debate and vote that would allow people to vote by mail to keep them safe. They want what happened in Wisconsin where several came down with the virus and I don’t know if any died. The senate has done nothing to make Mitch allow the Senators to debate and vote on it. Serial killers! Mitch brought the Senate back from working at home so that he could push through a judgeship for his young friend, whom the Bar association said was not qualified, to become a life time judge. He didn’t care if any one got sick.
Serial killer!!
I could go on and on.
Let’s not forget these Serial killers---Moscow Mitch, Adolf Trump and the Republican Senators.