On June 1, 2020, we witnessed how Adolph Trump will attempt to take over our country and create his dictatorship.
I’m an old woman who has lived through the depression years, 2nd WW, McCarthyism, Nixon and now Trump .My life is almost over but I fear for my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and all the children in the United States. My parent escaped from Russia and I fear for all of us living in a dictatorship, so I’d like to delineate how Trump’s dictatorship is developing.
Many, who have no knowledge of McCarthyism, should learn how a group of Senators destroyed many lives.
Here are a group of characteristics of a dictator and we can see how Adolph Trump fits into them:
Unlimited power
Unwilling to abide by rules of law and
Cult of personality
Political deceit to gain power
Elimination of all opposition to their rule
Attempting to destroy opponents
Using fear and propaganda to stifle problems and dissent
Arbitrary power to deal with National Emergency
Cruel oppression of human rights
It is interesting that Trump is cracking down on China for punishing a columnist for writing again Beijing .Trump who gets people fired , removed for speaking honestly about facts: Captain of a military vessel dismissed because he sought help for his men with coronavirus; Lt Col.Alesande S. Windman; Marie Yonovitch and others for testifying about the Ukraine incident. Get in Trump’s way, your head will be on the chopping block.
Trump believes laws are meant for others not him. He has refused to obey any subpoena, turn over documents, release his taxes, or be transparent (covers with lies). He collects taxpayers’ money at his properties for his staff and paying for other expense like golf carts that has cost millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money. He has ignored the Emolument Clause of our constitution. All the laws he hasn’t adhered to the Syncophant Republican Senators and Moscow Mitch have let him get away with. They are complicit in this dictatorship.
Trump finally found an Attorney General who acts as his private lawyer, and against our laws. Recently Barr asked the courts to dismiss cases against Trumps friends, Michael Flynn, Roger Cohen, even though they were found guilty. You’re only guilty if Trump says you are. Trump instructs Barr to make statements to support him like the Muller report or to supply a rationale for Trumps behavior.
Trump’s tactic is to employ fear to conquer. We needed to secure the border because caravans were coming to kill and rape us. Then Adolph started instituting separating children from their families. He didn’t care how much harm he was causing as long as he thought he was accomplishing his goals. He is now trying to strike fear among the governors. If they don’t do as he likes, funds will held, (remember Ukraine).
I knew of his misdemeanors but could not understand how he could finally create his dictatorship. He then told us about the “deployment of the military”. I learned about the Insurrection Act of 1807 which permits the president to use the military against the states.
Interesting that just before Trump announced the use of military force, he spoke to Vladimir Putin. What did Putin advise him that he proposed the use of the military?